Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's Sunday

It's been a pretty boring day around here. I've managed to get 3 loads of laundry done so far; well washed, dried and thrown into the basket. lol I made a really yummy and new to us recipe for breakfast this morning. DH and I saw an episode of Paula Deen the other day where she made this Blueberry Coffee Cake and it looked good. So while we were out yesterday we picked up what we needed to make it. I am so glad that we did, it was sooooo goood!

I managed to install my new OS and not screw anything up. The only thing I think I might've not backed up or made note of is some free 8x8 photobook codes. Oh well though, I might be able to track them down. I love the new OS, it looks so neat and is pretty easy to use so far. It's been really nice to have a clean slate to start with also.

I decided to give our family website one more try. I kept getting the invoice to pay for our host service and finally I just couldn't take it and paid it. lol So, we have one more year to try to make a go of gaining more of an audience for the blog. I know it doesn't help when I don't post, which is why I am going to show Tom how to post so he can write also. I'm going to try to post 2-3 times a week. Since I'm doing the Project 365 that should help, on days there's nothing to say I can just post a photo. Hopefully we'll get some family to pop their heads in and say Hi once in a while. I think my MIL reads it, but we've had no comments (other than some lovely spam) in about a year.

If you haven't noticed I changed the blog look, yet again. I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just can't help myself, I see cute templates and I feel the need to change the look. I wish I had the patience and time to sit down and figure out exactly how I wanted it to look and then figure out how to make it that way. At least with this last template I installed all my sidebar information stayed. I always hate when I change templates and all my sidebar information that I plugged into the widgets is just gone when you hit Save.

Well, I should publish this, it's been sitting here waiting nearly all day. My photo for the day is posted, the kids are sleeping, DH is packed for the field just in case, and he's given himself a fresh haircut. It's almost midnight and my back is killing me.

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