Sunday, February 17, 2008

A boring Saturday night

So, it's after midnight on a Saturday night and instead of hanging out playing Xbox or watching a movie with my hubby I'm chilling on the floor in my room on my computer because his friend is here for the weekend. I don't "hate" this guy, I just have a strong dislike for him at times. I don't want to make him feel bad and make him feel like he can't come hang out, but he doesn't come and just hang out - he totally turns our life upside down. Yeah, it's only a weekend, and I don't cause unnecessary problems, I get it. I guess I just realized that I feel super left out and isolated when he comes to visit. Thankfully it isn't much, but still. I had such high hopes to get some things done since the hubby would be occupied, etc - but heaven forbid! Why should he bother to deal with the kiddos? So, I spent a good portion of the evening dealing with the kids. Which is totally my responsibility, but not totally by myself.

Anyway, so the project I was going to start on for my friend Sam has gotten pushed aside. Hopefully it's nice out tomorrow and they can take the kids outside and I can get that started for her. I also have to make Alex's birthday littlest man is going to be 2 tomorrow! Where has the time gone???

Since I don't have an awesome connection up here I won't bother to try to post any pictures. I should get a decent sleep since I will undoubtedly have to try to entertain the kiddos quietly upstairs as long as I possibly can. Then I have to go clean, do laundry, bake Alex's cake and all the other things I wanted to do for myself. There are a bunch of ideas for layouts that I wanted to do, plus try to find my serial number for PSPXI and send it to Sam. I don't use it, so I figure I might as well pass it along to someone who will.

Til tomorrow ...hopefully blogger (and my wireless connection) will cooperate so I can post all the birthday pictures we'll hopefully get tomorrow.

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