Thursday, May 15, 2008


Here are some pictures that I took the other day. It was finally nice out, not raining or super muggy so the boys got chance to play in the backyard for awhile. I know they aren't perfect, but I was just playing with my new camera and my lens. I haven't really used my 85mm since I received it around Thanksgiving.

The last one is probably my favorite besides the grass mustache one. CC is welcome. Like I said above, I know they aren't perfect, the sun was a little harsh on the left and I still haven't gotten used to the controls being in a different place from my Rebel.

Frustration with GMAC isn't over. I still need to call Secretary of State in MI for the plates on the truck. I am stressed over trying to save money to drive to MI in June. I do have the point & shoot camera that I am going to hopefully sell on ebay this week. All I need to do is get a box & weigh it, then get the description written up. So I'm off to play with some webkinz or watch tv. :)

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